Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tazza Di Vita

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Organic Coffee Health Benefits

Some of the health risks associated with drinking large amounts of coffee can be attributed to the chemical and pesticide residues as opposed to the coffee beans or the brew itself. Organic coffee reduces these risks because of the lack or reduction in synthetic additives used in organic coffee plantations.

Shade grown coffee ensures the preservation of nutrients that naturally occur, by reducing sun exposure that bleaches important compounds in the top soil.

The following are the main organic coffee benefits:
• High in antioxidants, vitamins and mineral content.
• Free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which means no residues, and reduced risk of chemical ingestion.
• Natural energy booster – organically grown coffee contains caffeine in its purest form.
• Higher levels of antioxidants as opposed to conventionally grown coffee, translates into better defense against a wide range of diseases, that antioxidants guard against.

Shade Grown Coffee Benefits

The benefits of shade grown organic coffee are manifold. Traditionally, all coffee was shade grown, but newer hybrids of coffee introduced to increase the production, were found to tolerate sunlight better. As requirements increased, farmers cut down their shade giving trees, stripping forest cover to meet demand and depleting natural soil reserves. This in turn, affected the availability of animal habitat, causing severe decline in animal and bird population in addition to already serious environmental issues.

Shade grown coffee benefits the soil by maintaining forest cover, which in turn maintains bird and animal habitat, and reduces soil erosion. In terms of taste, it is by far superior; the beans mature slower, and the concentration of flavors is more intense. Shade grown coffee is most often organically grown, while conventionally grown coffee is sprayed with more chemicals than any other product consumed by humans, save for tobacco.

Strange though it may seem, organic products are more expensive than others, despite the fact that they rely far less on synthetic chemicals. This increased cost is linked with the economies of scale, as well as the time and effort that organic farming involves, as compared to its conventional cousin that receive external and artificial aid. Supporters of organic grown foods and products however, feel that this is a small price to pay for the betterment of the environment.

Whichever way you choose to look at organic coffee benefits, impacting the environment, sustaining fair trade, preserving natural habitat, or just a better tasting cup, give it a try. You may find yourself a convert for life.

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